GigaTux offers update 2009.10 Turnkey Linux suite with 25 new appliances
London, UK, 27th October 2009: Following the recent announcement from the Turnkey Linux team detailing the availability of new appliances, GigaTux have prepared these appliances for use on their Virtual Private Server packages. Automatic installs and reinstalls of any Turnkey Operating System, including all 25 new appliances, can be performed through the GigaTux DTC web interface, and basic support is provided.
The new appliances enable users to easily deploy primarily web-based applications within an entire Linux kernel and Ubuntu-based package set. Once a distribution is chosen within the control panel, the install is fully completed within a few minutes and ready to be customised. This enables a rapid deployment of a tested setup, with full update and security support provided by the Turnkey Linux and Ubuntu package maintainers.
The following new Turnkey Linux appliances are immediately available for automatic install:
- Turnkey Linux Bugzilla
- Turnkey Linux Deki
- Turnkey Linux DokuWiki
- Turnkey Linux Domain Controller
- Turnkey Linux Amazon EC2 SDK Appliance
- Turnkey Linux ejabberd
- Turnkey Linux File Server
- Turnkey Linux Gallery
- Turnkey Linux Google App Engine SDK
- Turnkey Linux Mantis
- Turnkey Linux MoinMoin
- Turnkey Linux Moodle
- Turnkey Linux MoveableType
- Turnkey Linux Open Bravo
- Turnkey Linux OTRS
- Turnkey Linux phpBB
- Turnkey Linux ProjectPier
- Turnkey Linux Redmine
- Turnkey Linux Revision Control
- Turnkey Linux Roundup
- Turnkey Linux Symfony
- Turnkey Linux Torrent Server
- Turnkey Linux Trac
- Turnkey Linux Tracks (Getting Things Done)
- Turnkey Linux TWiki
- Turnkey Linux Zimbra
This joins the updated Turnkey Linux appliances below:
- Turnkey Linux Joomla
- Turnkey Linux Drupal 6
- Turnkey Linux Django
- Turnkey Linux Core
- Turnkey Linux LAMP Stack
- Turnkey Linux LAPP Stack
- Turnkey Linux MediaWiki
- Turnkey Linux MySQL
- Turnkey Linux phpBB
- Turnkey Linux PostgreSQL
- Turnkey Linux Rails
- Turnkey Linux Tomcat
- Turnkey Linux Wordpress
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